摘要:Contentment is a feeling of pleasure or disappointment that someone received asa result of the comparison between the achievements or products are expected in the writing of the proposed issue of how consumer satisfaction for the quality of service at General Bus Regular PPD when viewed from the elements realibility service, responsiveness, assurance, emphaty, tangibles. In writing this scholarly writer distribute questionnaires to 50 respondents to the question as much as 10 from the calculated average level of concordance between the level of implementation and level of importance respondents, the factors that influence consumer satisfaction for the quality of Regular Public Bus service registration PPD Average between 53.40% to 85.45% is good enough or content of Chi Square analysis obtained results that count = 109.146 X greater than X (0.1; 16) = 23.54 so Ha is received so that the consumer was satisfied with Regular Public Bus service PPD.