摘要:ABSTRACT :In Scientific Writing is entitled: Evaluation of Quality Improvement ServicesLaundry New Light Had Done In Effort To Improve Customer Satisfaction, theauthors wanted to know the level of customer satisfaction with quality ofservices performed by the New Light of laundry using the Likert method and chisquare test. Or variable data used are primary data where the data is taken basedon the research questionnaire directly to the consumer. And with chi squarewhere Ho is rejected for ï£ 2 count = 500.5252531, which are in the area withtwo tables Ha = 26.296. Thus, Ho is rejected Ha is received, which means thatconsumers are satisfied with the performance of the New Light Laundry. and forthe future are expected Laundry New Light can become better and successful.Bibliography: (1995-2002).