摘要:Pawnshop is a Business Entity not a bank or financial institution whichfunctions provide financing in the form of credit funds to the community, inaddition there is also a pawnshop pawnshops Conventional Syariah whichprovides mortgage financing on the basis of law. Pawnshop Sharia (Ar-rahn) is acontract debts by making goods that have value as collateral syara property sothat people concerned can take the debt. Payment System Ar-Rahn only usingprocedures that have been determined by Islamic Pawnshop. Ar-Rahn paymentsystem proved able to attract the public in the process of obtaining financingwith a fast, practical and reassuring. But the object on Sharia pawnshop less thana conventional mortgage, that most Islamic pawnshops becoming the object onlyin the form of gold and diamonds, while in the conventional mortgage can beeither gold, electronics, motor vehicles. Both the pawn in the Syariah andConventional pegadain, many benefits that can be received by the customerconcerned. In this case, it is clear that the benefits received by customers whomake loans using loan funds of funds by using the principle of the Ar-Rahn andConventional mortgage. But in reality, is still very little understanding of societyand pawnshops businessman about the products issued by financial institutionsis not a bank. So minimal number of customers who apply for such financing.This, to be assessed are the only Islamic Pawnshop trust fund loans to customersamounted to 90% of the estimates, whereas the conventional pawnshopsestimate various customer classes in accordance.