摘要:Success of a business can not be separated from how far can satisfy theircustomers. measuring customer satisfaction levels are important and very usefulfor companies not to compete with other companies. Poultry Supplier Indosaktistore as one of the enterprises engaged in trade, so the authors would like toknow how customer satisfaction with products, facilities and services andrelationship of age with service employees. research conducted with 60respondents to the survey to provide a questionnaire containing 13 questions, thecharacteristics of respondents aged between 17 - ⥠35 years and the averageworking as an entrepreneur. questionnaire results showed the values of thesethree aspects.. Based on analysis by chi square test with significance 5%, Ï2calculation (0.87) smaller than the Ï2 table (9:48), which means accepting Ho,Ha refused stating the age factor is not related to services provided byemployees of the store Indosakti Poultry Supplier. Third ranked above a pictureof the level of satisfaction felt by customers. Nevertheless, Poultry SupplierIndosakti stores must continue to maintain and further enhance the three aspectsis again to be able to outperform its competitors.