摘要:Consumer behavior is a matter to be considered by a seller, knowing verydiverse consumer behavior of consumer behavior is then the seller can provide aspecific product in accordance with the wishes of the konsumen.DalamScientific writing, the author tries to describe consumer behavior in buying ricein food stores Pak Raden in Jakarta Selatan.Didalam consumer behavior is alsoinfluenced by several variables, namely price, quality, and consumer behaviorare kebutuhan.Untuk know then distributed questionnaires to 100 respondentswho comprised of men and women respondents who represents residents wholive around the food store Pak Raden.Didalam Scientific writing is usedLikert-scale analytical tools and methods of computation with SPSSkorelasi.Berdasarkan discussion and analysis obtained a significant relationshipbetween the needs of the consumer behavior pattern that is equal to 0000, so thatthe variables affecting the needs of the consumer behavior patterns to buy rice atfood stores Pak Raden or accept Ho, while the relationship between variableswith the variables with the variable quality of the price variables have arelationship of mutual influence with the level of significance of 0001 or acceptHo.