摘要:A company that wants to develop or expand their business activities would needto consider various things into the opportunities and obstacles in thedevelopment effort. The feasibility study on the company can prepare for howbest to run the business, and so as not already invested in that business was notprofitable or will have negative effect on the companys growth. Companiesdiscussed in this paper engaged in document copying services, usually calledCopy. And the purpose of this paper is the feasibility of an investment inbusiness services copying Ashabul Kahf. To determine the feasibility ofinvestment in photocopy services business, the investment appraisal carried outby using five methods, namely Payback Period (PBP), the Net Present Value(NPV), Internal Rate of Return (IRR), Profitability Index (PI), and Average Rateof Return (ARR).. The calculation is done as a consideration, whether thebusiness is photocopying services appropriate to proceed or not. From theresults of calculations using the method of NPV, Payback Period, Internal Rateof Return, Profitability Index, and ARR then, the writer concludes that thecultivation of investment in business services copying Ashabul Kahf feasible.And the owner of the company is also expected to further increase their incomeby expanding his business.