期刊名称:Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology
出版社:Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology
摘要:Scientific writing is about how the creation and workings of a system of datacollection on students and teachers of kindergarten schools of IslamicRevelation. In this application there is also the facility to input, search and printreports of student data and teacher of the school. This application aims to helpspeed up the processing of student data in the School of Islamic KindergartenRevelation that managers can work as effectively as possible and can provideinformation quickly to the User. Writing method used is the method of researchand data collection methods. With the methods of research, the author conductedresearch by conducting surveys. And with the data collection method the authorsobtained data directly from the School of the Garden of childhood. Theconclusion that can be drawn is that by using this application, data processingstudents and teachers held a more accurate and effective than manualbookkeeping.