期刊名称:Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology
出版社:Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology
摘要:The fast growing in informationtechnology is cannot be separated fromthe using of computer network.Thissituation has created a new impact whichis concerning the computer security that inthis case, validity , integrity, and dataavailability have became into the mainconcern.The ease in data accessing through thecomputer network is also initiated cybercrimeby some irresponsible people.This condition is definitely turning a anetwork administrator into a morecomplex situation in order to monitorizethe network in a system.There are a lot of things as a solution todetect the obstacle in a nework as a firstwarning signal.Data-Mining –Classification Techniqueapplied in Tree-Decision model is one ofmany ways that can be implied to classifythe nuisance in a network by establishingrules.