期刊名称:Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology
出版社:Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology
摘要:The development of the telecommunications world is increasingly fast and it cannot be separated from the performance of telecommunications service providersthemselves. Telecommunications growth also followed by a growing number ofusers of telecommunications, and it was also felt by PT. Telkom, in whichcustomers who use more services. This course will be making more difficult forBilling and Collection Unit of the PT. TELKOM to handle customer billing andpayment of such amount. It will be more important data to support managementin making decisions. Therefore, requires a Data Mart can contain customerbilling data with a large volume. Data Mart is a data collection supportmanagement decision making in a department or a specific business unit bystoring data according to management needs. With the Data Mart, the customerbilling data volume and complexity can be better handled by the Billing andCollection Unit. Data Mart can become a source of reliable data to supportstrategic decision making. In this research, the design and implementation ofData Mart is done by using Oracle Database 10 G as the database of datasources and Staging Area. Also use Oracle Warehouse Builder for ETL(Extraction, Transformation, Loading) tools to extract data, transform data andload the data into the Data Mart, according to the needs and the user desiredformat through Oracle Mapping.