期刊名称:Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology
出版社:Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology
摘要:In the current era of reform such as the Internet is one requirement that must beavailable. The flexible nature of the internet has been realized by the user.Information is one key word at this time. This Akhirakhir the rapid developmentof Web applications, coupled with the emergence of Web applicationdevelopment in the field of online learning, called E-Learning. One suchapplication is apliksi e-learning web-based human computer interaction. Thisapplication is very important because it can be accessed online soinformasididapat from anywhere and anytime. With this application canmeudahkan learning process, and eliminate saturation in the learning process.Seeing the importance of the needs of the application, then created a design ofe-learning applications that can meet the needs of learners.. List PustakaDitoday's reform era of internet is one requirement that must be available.The flexible nature of the internet has been realized by the user. Information isone key word at this time. This Akhirakhir the rapid development of Webapplications, coupled with the emergence of Web application development inthe field of online learning, called E-Learning. One such application is apliksie-learning web-based human computer interaction. This application is veryimportant because it can be accessed online so informasididapat from anywhereand anytime. With this application can meudahkan learning process, andeliminate saturation in the learning process. Seeing the importance of the needsof the application, then created a design of e-learning applications that can meetthe needs of learners.. Bibliography.