期刊名称:Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology
出版社:Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology
摘要:GeographicInformation Systems is an information system that is usedfor enter, store, recall, process, analyze, and generategeographically referenced or geospatial data, to supportdecision-making in planning. By using GIS it will be easierfor decision makers to analyze the data. Due to the GISwill be described also the position of the spread of dataon actual position. In this thesis, the author makes a de-sign of Geographic Information System to locate where thefarm-belong to every area in the district of Subang and alsoknow the agricultural production produced per area. Fromthe application system is expected to realize GIS in the pro-vision of information to users (Ministry of Agriculture) forhelp in getting agricultural information in Subang Regency.Bibliography (2004-2007)