期刊名称:Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology
出版社:Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology
摘要:Has made this tool because now a lot of moving robotrobot using tracking,remote control. This robot is a robot that can move only with the use of light orcalled with Light Detector Robot. Although simple, this robot is very interestingfor him. Any component that uses a very simple, but important part in movingthis robot is that if given a second LDR light can move forward, turn right, turnleft, and silent when not exposed to light in the LDR. There is also apergerakkannya Gear Box itself is influenced by the LDR, and the last is theMicrocontroller that contains the program how this robot can move toperfection. In real life - the day is rarely a function of Light Detector Robot, butlater there will probably function in our lives