期刊名称:Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology
出版社:Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology
摘要:In the face of global competition, most hospitals applying informationtechnology to support various activities in providing health services to thepatient. Seeing the importance of information technology needs, hospitalinformation system is now a basic requirement for a hospital both large andsmall scale. This is done to improve the competitiveness, effectiveness andefficiency of work. Challenges and the increasingly tight competition hospitalsrequire having competitive advantage for the final destination hospitalperformance improvement. Orphanage nursing is a process or series of activitiesin nursing practice are given directly to clients / patients in different healthservice order made by the method of manual handling of patients so that it didnot go smoothly. This raises the health service takes longer time in patients. Toovercome these problems, it needed a more sophisticated system. Utilization ofinformation systems with computer-based systems are expected to help all theproblems that hamper the performance of health services to the communityhospital. UML is used as a tool for analyzing and designing information systemsobject-oriented. Java as one of the developers of software applications is onebusiness solutions to support enterprise system performance with a cheaper cost,and MySQL as a database builder, where the software is open source.