期刊名称:Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology
出版社:Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology
摘要:School as the main ecucation facilityrequires computers in order to solve itsproblem.The educating system in school iscannot be separated from its student’sacademic scores.SMP Negeri 7 Depok stillfaces a lot of obstacles concerning thesystem is still done manually.Regarding to the efficiency of time andscoring input security, a student’s scorecomputerized information system needs tobe applied in hope to produce an effectiveinformation system and also thrifty theworking time.Planning an application of student’s scoremaintaning system can be applied by usingentity-relation-diagram concept andnormalitation. This planning is thenimplied in the PHP and MySQL program.From the experiment, it is proved that thisapplication has been able to do a student’sdata input, report score, exam score, andnational exam score. This application isalso shows a report in report score andstudent’s certificate.