期刊名称:Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology
出版社:Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology
摘要:Abstract|MAKING WEBSITE OF UNITY THIR-TEENS FOOTBALL CLUB USING MICROSOFTFRONTPAGE 2000 HARYANTO Undergraduate Program,2011 Gunadarma University http://www.gunadarma.ac.idKey Words: Website, Internet, Microsoft FrontPage 2000ABSTRACT : Dissemination of information and promotionthrough the internet today are not only used by othercompanies or organizations, but in the sports world,especially in the Internet Football environment is also verynecessary. Therefore, the authors are interested in creatinga website Thirteen United Football Club which aims toprovide information and promotion to the public, wherethe Internet has brought great change to the world ofcommunication, especially in the sport. The Internet is onemedium of information, and various species can be seen onthe Internet, for example, information about companies,organizations, music, entertainment, schools, universities,sports and so on. PS KTB Through this website, theauthor provides a wide range of information on the PSKTB.Website was created using Microsoft FrontPage 2000,which the author tries to make an appearance as attractiveas possible.