期刊名称:Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology
出版社:Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology
摘要:PT. Semesta Citra Dana (Semesta Finance) is a company engaged in thefield of motorcycle financing. Delivery of information to customers, collectors,and Head Office staff is an important part to support the success of thecompany's operations. Semesta Finance needs to send information tocustomers so as not to forget the bill paying installments. HRD Departmentneeded a way transmission of information to the collector warning letters to savecosts and use of fax letter sent to the hands of collectors. Head Office staff needa way to send presence information to the department without the cost of yourtelephone and do not interfere with the work the Helpdesk to make emailpresence information. For the solution of the problem, then in August 2007Semesta Finance decided to create a system by applying mobile technologyapplication through SMS gateway application auto sender. This thesis describesthe design and implementation of SMS Gateway application that created theUniverse finance with SMS technology that helps companies to provideinformation delivery services to customers, collectors, and Head Officeemployees. To make the system auto sender SMS gateway used programminglanguage Visual Basic 6 and Microsoft SQL Database Server 2000. Applicationis used to help SMS gateway as a third-party SMS gateways and email gatewaythat is used for sending email.