期刊名称:Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology
出版社:Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology
摘要:Gunadarma Tema Theater site is created to provide solutions to the GunadarmaTema Theater in solving problems of information dissemination activitiescarried out both in terms of its organization to publicize the existence of ageneral audience. This website is built using Dreamweaver MX 2004. Featureswhich is inside ie the organization profile, management profil, events, photogallery, art library, and contact addresses Gunadarma Tema Theater secretariatis expected to meet the needs of the members of the Gunadarma Tema Theaterand the public in finding information on the Gunadarma Tema Theater. TheWebsite of Gunadarma Tema Theater is still static, but is not possibility to bedeveloped further by adding features or databases inside and a link to thewebsite so Gunadarma University website can be more interactive and dynamic.