期刊名称:Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology
出版社:Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology
摘要:Application of data processing network noise complaints made to replace the oldsystem which still manual in recording complaints coming into CommandCenter at Bank Mandiri Sharia. This application aims to obtain the networkquality information provided by network service providers so it can serve as abenchmark in determining whether or not that Bank Mandiri Sharia is satisfiedwith the service of these providers. In the process of making an analysisconducted prior to the old system and new system, then do the system designusing a Unified Model Languange (UML), database design and interface design.After that application is made with Personal Home Page (PHP) programminglanguage and MySQL database. After the application is done followed with thetest application, and the result of this application is 100% of respondents saidthis application could replace the old system. This application provides easyfilling and decision making to improve the smoothness of data communicationwith the Bank Mandiri Sharia. With the smoothness of data communicationsservices to customers, it make the service to the customer is getting better.