期刊名称:Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology
出版社:Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology
摘要:Swara SMEs Darmagita Gunadarma University, is an organization with status asa student activity Unit under the direct coordination Vice Rector III. DarmagitaSwara is a container which is engaged in singing, especially choral art. TheseSMEs accommodate students who want to work past their voice and learn toorganize. Besides these SMEs also provide information on all things associatedwith the organization's own choir. With this goal needs to be made of acontainer that is built into a website. So the information can be viewed throughInternet media. Student Choir Website Darmagita Swara is created usingDreamweaver 8, PHP and MySQL. In using PHP and MySQL requires anApache web server as localhost. While for the author designs usingDreamweaver 8. Visitors can also register as a member online and fill out theguest book as a bonding connector