期刊名称:Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology
出版社:Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology
摘要:In this project the writer designed a com-puter server to functions as an e-mail server using a QmailMail Transfer Agent web-based application under the LinuxSlackware 11 operating system. Beside that, this system iscomplemented by an antivirus software that works by scan-ning e-mails that received and sent by the user. E-mailscanner which is used by this system uses Qmailscannerwhich will collaborate with Clamav. Moreover, SpamAssas-sin works by scanning, and remove email that comes out andgoes into the server. The result of tests conducted showedthat the mail server system works well in terms of the out-going email settings as well as an enter into the server anddistribute it to the client, moreover, this mail server systemis immune to the interference / external threats like virusesand spam. Reference List (2002 - 2007)