期刊名称:Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology
出版社:Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology
摘要:Taman Mini Indonesia Indah (TMII) has a wide range of information(non-spatial data) associated with geographic locations (spatial data) area. Butthe information still can be maximized to the needs of visitors and management.Therefore, it is required an integrated application that is capable of processingspatial data and non-spatial data effectively and efficiently. Applications areable to overcome this problem is application Geographic Information System(GIS). At the end of this research is made TMII GIS applications. Thisapplication is created using ArcView GIS software version 3.3. Spatial datarepresented in graphic form on screen Digitizing method. Non-spatial datarepresented in the table. The process of making the application interface usingprogramming scripts Avenue. TMII GIS applications provide spatial the spatialand non spatial information about TMII. This application also allows themanager to update the information tables. Display interface on this application isa modification of the ArcView display device interface.