期刊名称:Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology
出版社:Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology
摘要:Making a web site page views may become more interactive, by using the Ajaxmethod also PHP. One form of usage in AJAX is for creating a web site on theinternet. Because of this application makes it easy for servers to process dataand new information quickly. So the links do not need to transfer data to aserver so it can streamline the time and data transmission. Web site marketinginformation can be said is interactive because the user can browse, orderhandling data, also making it easier to enter customer data and marketing staff infinding information and processing data into a computerized manual. Thisapplication makes it easy for server and database to process data and newinformation quickly. For the system design using UML and the author softwareusing AJAX, PHP, MySQL, and Macromedia Dreamweaver as an editor.