期刊名称:Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology
出版社:Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology
摘要:We manufacture bsite that Provides Information About Comics Using MicrosoftFrontPage 2002 is a World Wide Web application that contains informationabout the comic book titles published by Elex Media Komputindo and M &C along with a review of the story, and also the author ie stories Kiyoko Araiand Naoko Moto . It is expected that these applications can help users of thisweb page to obtain information about the comics. By using Microsoft FrontPage2002, this application is the combination of elements of Web pages are pictures,text and animation are summarized into a single application into a form WebSiteexpected WebSite easily usable by those interested in comics and made asattractive as possible while using the application This WebSite. By simplyclicking a button from the menu options the user will immediately getinformation on the comic quickly.