摘要:ABSTRACT :This study aims to determine the effect the implementation of employee welfareservices program on morale of employees at PT. East Arcoma Jakarta. Thisresearch was performed at. Arcoma East Jakarta, from June 30th June 25th2007. Collecting data using a questionnaire method with correlation andregression analysis approach. In this study, the population is the sum of all theemployees as much as 50 people, while the samples taken were 33 respondents.Results of data analysis are as follows: correlation coefficient test using theformula of correlation (r) equal to 0.828 and then correlation koefisisensignificance test using t test t = 8.22 and obtain table = 2.040 for > table Thismeans there is a strong and significant influence between the implementation ofemployee benefit programs to employee morale at. East Arcoma in Jakarta.. Theresults of this study indicate that there is a strong and significant influencebetween the implementation of employee benefit programs to employee moraleat. Jakarta Timur Arcoma.