摘要:Satisfactory service is one of the most important factor for a company toconduct in-kegiata activities towards the achievement of targets as expected.Therefore, the management of a company must be able to ensure that customerservices are always in a healthy condition, to be able to anticipate everysituation that negatively impact its business. The main objective of the researchin the context of Scientific Writing is to know the level of customer satisfactionon products and services at Meatball Chicken Noodle Restaurant in BogorAppollo. The analysis method is the Likert scale measurement and Chi Square.Where in the analysis discussed five critical dimensions that affect customerservice which consists of the dimensions Reability, Responsiveness, Assurance,Tangibles, and Dimension Emphaty.. And with the Chi Square analysis showedthat count of the five dimensions of the Chi Square value of 67.677 count isgreater than the Chi Square table is 26.29 with a real level 5%, so that Horefused and Ha is received which states that customers are satisfied with theoverall dimensions Restaurant is on Appollo Meatball Chicken Noodle.