摘要:Writing this to help facilitate the updating of data, particularly in theconsolidated data collection system repair and maintenance of plant machineryusing Visual Basic 6.0, which is expected to accurate existing data to process.To facilitate this discussion in scientific writing, the only limit on the making ofreports on programs related to system repair and maintenance of factorymachinery, which starts from the existence of a damaged engine, damagedcomponents, the problem of damage, repair and maintenance of the engine. Atthis writing, the theory used includes definitions of the system, the basic theoryof DFD, ERD, Normalization, and a glimpse of the Visual Basic 6.0. Thediscussion contained in this study consisted of analysis of problems thatoccurred, a description of the machines used and the functions of the machines.In this discussion also determine the form of the DFD (Data Flow Diagram), theform of diagrams context diagram to zero. There is also the ERD (EntityRelationship Diagram) and normalization in the form of not normal, 1NF to2NF. From these diagrams the structure of the database structure will be formed,until the design of input and output. Writing this helped make it easier to updatethe data, especially in making the report is basically a manual bookkeeping, andchanges it in the form of computerization. And assist the process of making thereport effectively and efficiently. In order for this writing is more meaningful,the company is expected to draw inspiration from the writing that made by theauthors to achieve a better syste.