摘要:Advancement in information technology more advanced, inspired writers tocreate a website, in which provides information about sports shoes,accompanied by an animated display of text, animated images of shoes and adatabase. With an attractive way to deliver information, the website is expectedto become the top choice as a medium to deliver information that is useful.Making this website through various processes, such as creating a design thatuses Macromedia Dreamweaver 8.0, Making animations using MacromediaFlash 8.0, making a link on every page and connectivity to the database usingPHP, as well as creating a database that uses MySQL. In making this websitethere is the menu - the menu, among other home menu, contact us, information,transaction, guest book and admin. On this website, the author uses PHPprogramming language to link to every page and presents the information in theform of a multimedia application, author presents an information in the form ofmultimedia applications requiring Multimedia authoring tools and supportingsoftware. Authoring tool is the main software used for development ofmultimedia applications while supporting software used to prepare a multimediacomponent in addition to the multimedia application look more appealing.Navigation structure used was a mixture of the navigation structure, thisstructure is a combination of a hierarchical navigation structure, linear and nonlinear, which in this website happen branching between pages, there are alsosame position pages to make user interaction between the page and there arepages that use one strand before or after that.