摘要:It describes the scientific writing about the making of the Betawi CulturalVillage website Setu Babakan using Macromedia Dreamweaver MX 2004, PHP,MySQL. This website is shown to the means of information between BetawiCulture Village to the community, especially for users of Internet services. Thiswebsite contains information about cultural village betawi Babakan Setu to beaddressed for the wider community, especially for users of Internet services. Byproviding a form to fill out and see the performance schedule of performances tobe held by the studio, making it easier for a studio in pergelarannya announcedto the public. Moreover people can easily get information about performanceschedules that will be held. Subsequently makes viewing websites BetawiSetuBabakan Culture Village. Based on testing results to the respondents with theoverall assessment results are better then the Betawi Cultural Village WebsiteBabakan Setu can assist users in obtaining information and used by the managerof Kampong BetawiSetu Babakan in disseminating information about BabakanBetawiSetu Culture Village to the public.