摘要:The Internet is a vast medium of information and practical. In some recent yearsthe Internet is very important in finding informasi.Website is the application ofthe most popular Internet services. So popular that many people mistakenlyidentify with the inter-net website. Nearly 80 percent of Internet service by thewebsite sucked. So far, we received information through media, including theschool brochure, newspaper, magazines and others. In fact, often we only hear itby word of mouth alone. From the previously mentioned media, of coursecontent in-formation, which in getting different - different because of thelimitations of each media. However, losses are felt mainly by the schools areoperating costs incurred to disseminate that information very much. To displayinformation about FC High School Educational Foundations work hence madea website using PHP and MySql for the design and development. Methods ofresearch in scientific writing is done in several ways, namely by collecting datarelated to this writing. Website that has been created will be uploaded so that thepublic can view the informations to be conveyed. We must first have a domainthat will be used as a website address that has been made.