摘要:The making of this website is based on the author's interest would be theuniqueness of the car is so tiny and Morris wanted to inform the public aboutMorris car especially for car enthusiasts. The reality on internet is not so muchand even if there is definitely a foreign language is a bit difficult to obtaininformation. Therefore the author had the idea to create a Web site for carenthusiast Morris to attract public attention in order to join the car club Morris.In this website or this site will provide information about the club. The authorwould like to try to make this website by using the program MacromediaDreamweaver MX 2004 and animated using Macromedia Flash MX 2004. Thefirst step is to collect all the data authors of Jakarta Morris Club. Havingcollected all animated using Macromedia Flash MX 2004. then inserted one byone into the making of web pages that have been designed according to each one