摘要:Use of the Internet of today is not a new thing anymore; the Internet alsorepresents a peak in its use of information technology in a computer. Manythings can be done using the Internet in seeking information, for example infinding information on the latest news or catalog of items we want to find. Thiscan be done with a container which is known as a Web site. Class Point is one ofthe bands that want to promote themselves via the internet. Writing Scientificaims to create a class Point Band Website as one means of introduction to thisband, making it easier for the public in obtaining information displayed. Inscientific writing will discuss how to make the website simple Point Band Class.Making this website using Macromedia Dreamweaver MX application programand as image editing using Adobe Photoshop 7.0 and of course the website canbe modified in the future. Bibliography (2002-2005)