摘要:The development of information technology particularly in the field oftelecommunications is so fast. Various new model mobile phone productscreated in a matter of months. Various features and capabilities offered bymanufacturers to meet customer needs other than as a communication tool.Similarly, increased capacity in the growing data storage on external memorycard is that allows users to save data in a large capacity in a particular cellularphone model. Based on the above ideas, this paper discusses the making of anapplication which can be used on mobile phones. In this case the application hasbeen developed based dictionary mobile phone using the programming languageJava Micro Edition (JME) and Record Management System (RMS) as anon-volatile storage medium, where with this application user can translatewords from Indonesian to Japanese and vice versa and add, modify and deletewords as desired. This application can meet the needs of users of the dictionarywithout limiting the mobility of users and do not bother as the search word inthe dictionary in the conventional print. key words: indonesian-japanese dictionary, jme