摘要:ABSTRACT :Mulya Motor garage workshop is a fairly potent, when viewing the publicinterest would be the existence of such a strategic workshop of its existence. Inaddition, the location of the workshop is located in Bekasi area which has plentyof two wheel motor vehicles. Motor Repair Mulya still use manual transactionsand reports that many time-consuming. This workshop requires that periodicreports can be reviewed by the leaders. To meet the demands of the abovestatements as required extremely careful design, made in such a way that everypart that needed information can access the required information. In connectionwith the development workshop MOTOR Mulya the rapid developments inscience and the increasingly widespread and increasingly sophisticatedtechnological developments, the modern data processing is needed. Thereforewe need an equipment capable of managing various types of computer dataquickly.. In this application consists of the motor data, mechanical data, data ofspare parts and service data that comes with each report