摘要:In making this writing, the author uses an application called joomla 1.0.12version with the help of application xampp-win32-1.6.3, and MacromediaDreamweaver are discussed in detail from a page per page. This website is thestudents and the public can obtain information more quickly and accuratelyabout the SMA N 29 Jakarta. To obtain information about the SMA N 29Jakarta, it can be seen from the menus that have been provided on the website asa display pro_le school address and name of school leaders as a headmaster andhis deputy, in addition there is also a menu that displays the entire agenda ofactivities in the semester even-numbered school year 2007-2008 there is an extramenu featuring curricular curricular extra activities that can be followed by allstudents SMA N 29, in addition, there are also other menus such as graduationstandards, high school history N 29, the data of teachers and staff, vision andmission.. SMA N 29 Jakarta website has been developed which can be viewed atthe address http://www.sman29-jkt.sch.id.