摘要:The development of the Internet to be one means of information which is verypopular today. Many people who book or buy cassette tapes directly to the store,but do not know a lot and know how to order tapes newest products at this time.Here the authors try to design GTC Cassette Shop Website using MacromediaDreamweaver MX for the music or film lover knows much product latest tapestoday. Cassette Shop Website GTC is English-Indonesian-language Web site. Atthe website there are links GTC Stores Cassettes Products which if clicked willdisplay a wide range of tape products. If you want to know the history of thecassette or film music lovers can click the About Us link directly, in addition toProduct Links cassette tapes and also the history of Order that if there is a link isclicked will display a link from the Store Order Cassettes GTC. Website designcreated in order to attract needed a good creativity .