摘要:In scientific writing, the author discusses about creating a website HonorEducational Institutions in detail from pages per page. In making the authorusing Joomla version 1.0.2 and its Xammp webserver 1.6.4 and adobePhotoshop CS 2. With this website students and prospective students and thepublic, can obtain information more quickly and accurately about EducationalInstitutions Majesty. On this website available facilities which can easily beused by students and the community. Students also can become membersdirectly at the website, but students must register first at the login menu. Thiswebsite consists of several menus that are useful for students and the public inobtaining information about Charity Education Institute Honor. Such as schoolprofiles, teachers and students, the facilities given, extracurricular, and manymore. This website has also been published on the internet withwww.amalmuliaklapanunggal.sch.id address. Bibliography (2005-2008) iv