摘要:Terminal is arguablyone of the gates of a city. Terminal is in a town is thestarting point of a public transport journey, whether it'sout of town and into the city itself. Similarly, the terminalBaranang Siang Bogor, this terminal serves public transittrips, inside and outside the city of Bogor. To be ableto support the main functions of the terminal BaranangSiang Bogor, necessary means of information which canprovide a picture of that terminal and the most importantis information about public transport in the terminalBaranang Siang Bogor. With this background, was madea program using Visual Basic 6.0 applications to be usedas a source of information about public transport in theterminal Baranang Siang Bogor. The application programis intended to provide information about existing publictransport, which includes transport name, department,type of transportation, and public transport fares arefarthest. With this program are expected to help thepeople who visit the city of Bogor Bogor or residents whowant to travel but are less aware of what public transportshould be used. The author also hopes that the applicationprogram that has made ??these tools can maximize theinformation available at the terminal Baranang SiangBogor. Penamaan File: 31101043