摘要:This scholarly writing explain the basic of 3d gaming computer gamingtechnology behind this menggunkan three-dimensional graphics. Worldpemrogramman games growing rapidly with the support by the faster processorand is accompanied by the emergence of new hardware-hardware that supportsthree-dimensional graphics. So many 3d games are emerging, such as CounterStrike, Quake and others. It all started with DOOM gaming boom in the marketat the time of the year 1994 resulted in the game developers compete to createthree-dimensional games. It is time the world of computer games to move into athree-dimensional games for the calculation of three-dimensional calculationsare used to still be an obstacle, this is the beginning of the resurrection of 3dgame. Basic 3d games here are intended only basis of proper memasakan a 3dgame. Here I use C++ and OpenGL APIs.