摘要:The Internet is a vast medium of information and practical. In recent years theinternet is very important in finding the information which certainly is rarelyencountered in other media the Internet is a vast medium of information andpractical. In recent years the internet is very important in finding the informationwhich certainly is rarely encountered in other media. Website is the applicationof the most popular Internet services. So popular that many people mistakenlyidentify a website with the Internet. Almost 80% internet service sucked by thewebsite.. By using JOOMLA 1.0.15, a website can easily be made withouthaving to make source code or syntax - another syntax commonly used inmaking website in general. Methods of research in scientific writing is done inseveral ways, namely by collecting data related to this writing. Website that hasbeen created will be uploaded so that the public can view the information -information to be conveyed. Upload process using Cpanel. We must first have adomain that will be used as a website address that has been made.