摘要:Surfer Girl Club (SGC), which was formed on September 21, 2007 to thecurrent members 10 people Surfer Girl brand lovers exchanging information andinteraction between members only via telephone, massages and word of mouthso that the delivery of product information between the lovers is less spreadSurfer Girl wide. The author would like to provide solutions in the hope that canovercome the problem of lack of community publications SGC Jakarta onsociety and its members can exchange information up-to-date without having tomeet directly. Through the Internet, SGC Jakarta can publish to the public atcheap, effective and efficient so that many products Surfer Girl lovers will joinand increase the quantity of Surfer Girl Club membership. Content ManagementSystem better known by the acronym CMS is a web-based application whichhas a system to provide convenience to the users as well as its organizer. Inaccordance with CMS own name, a website that implements this system isoriented to the content. Not the constraints those are meaningful to managementor the organization to update its website. With access rights and authority ofeach, each member can contribute to the website without a difficult procedure.