摘要:Income Tax Article 21, a form of tax on income: salaries, wages, honoraria,allowances, and other payments is needed in connection with employment oroffice, services, and other activities. Taxable income is one of the means toboost income in tax service office, and therefore, the office of the taxableincome and the income tax service closely related. The purpose of this study isto know the effect of taxable income and how to boost income tax servicesannually from October to March, 2008-2009. The results showed the effects ofthe office services to the taxable on income earned by the tax office was highycorrelated, And the influence and the taxable income earned on income taxservice office will increase, when the taxable income increase, and should bereduced as the number of the taxable increase Key Words : income, tax, salaries, wages, honorarium, allowances, payment