摘要:AbstractIn a monolithic column stationary phase contains a continuous porous material, sealed against the wall of a tube, instead of beads. Due to the decrease in chemical usage, sample usage, improved sensitivity, reusable frit-less columns and less back pressure monolithic column are very popular in the field of capillary electrochromatography (CEC). This review attempts to give an overview of three different types of monolithic columns, i.e. silica-based, polymer-based, and hybrid monolithic column. Moreover, the review also focuses on its advantages and applications over last 5 years. Relevant electronic journals such as Entrez, Science Direct, and different database, namely, PubMed, Scirus, Embase,NIH.gov,Medknow.com,Medscape.com, Scopus, Google Scholar,MedHelp.org, Cochrane Library,WebMD.com, and World Health Organization Hinari were used.
关键词:Monolithic column;Stationary phase;Frit-less column;Column back pressure