摘要:The aim of this research is to examine the influence of asymmetry information and voluntarydisclosure, both simultaneously and partially, toward cost of capital on listed companies fromthe manufacturing sector at the Indonesia Stock Exchange (BEI) for the year 2007-2010. Byusing census method and balanced panel data, there are 26 of the population total from companiesof manufacturing sector fulfill the population criteria during 4 years of the observation. Theresults show that (1) asymmetry information and voluntary disclosure simultaneously haveinfluence toward the cost of capital on listed companies from the manufacturing sector at theIndonesia Stock Exchange (2) asymmetry information has influence toward the cost of capital onlisted companies from the manufacturing sector at the Indonesia Stock Exchange (3) voluntarydisclosure has influence toward the cost of capital on listed companies from the manufacturingsector at the Indonesia Stock Exchange.Keywords: Cost of capital, asymmetry information, and voluntary disclosure