出版社:Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas
摘要:The study of the internal organisation of Jayme II´s Registra secreta shows the existence of a specific «system» for the gathering of diplomatical registered papers in chapters called legatio. However, this method of classification does not exclude other ones and these registers can be considered as an experimental laboratory for the arrangement and the location of registered documents. The composition of the registers and the interventions of the scribes within conduce then to look for the functions they are assigned with: allowing an easier control of the uses of the documentation by the king´s ambassadors, the Registra secreta take part, at the chancery, in a living memory of the administration of diplomatical matters.
关键词:XIIIth-XIVth centuries;Crown of Aragon;Jayme II;chancery;registers;diplomacy;diplomatics;XIIIème-XIVème siècles;Couronne d'Aragon;Jacques II;chancellerie;registres;diplomatie;diplomatique