出版社:Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas
摘要:This document presents quantitative and qualitative evidence of gender disparities in Colombia, in relation to access to higher education, and to the science and technology system. It shows the results of a project that collected the main statistical indicators, such as access to research resources, decision-making positions, salaries, scholarships, raises, and in general growing possibilities that women scientist have in their careers, vis-a-vis men. In addition to statistical data, the article analyzes ethnographic material gathered in relation to the personal trajectories, training, work development, and family issues affecting women, as a way to identify and eliminate the main obstacles they face in their careers as scientists. One of the findings of the project was that despite the fact that major bias and prejudice against women is almost gone from the science and technology system in Colombia, low level, micro discriminative practices are still very common.
关键词:Science;technology;gender;higher education;Ciencia;tecnología;género;educación superior