出版社:Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas
摘要:This article covers as a decalogue the most relevant experiences in the transformation held in the last three years by the Industrial Organization School EOI, the eldest business schools in Spain. The education of entrerpreneur managers and entrepreneurs in management requires a response in line with the demands of a society and a market characterized by personalization and humanization of learning that has become the engine of a profound social and economic transformation in which the public, private and citizens come together in achieving the common good. A business school is uniquely positioned to be a laboratory in which to experience the challenges facing learning in today’s society. The concept Open Learning collects the challenges that are facing both training institutions and traditional learning models, with the deep belief of the role of learning in creating a fairer society and a more competitive economy, as well as the crucial importance of technology in this process.
关键词:Open learning;business school;collaboration;digital identity;sustainability;simulation;design thinking;mobile learning;ethics;digital culture;networks;Open learning;escuela de negocios;colaboración;identidad digital;sostenibilidad;simulación;pensamiento de diseño;aprendizaje en movilidad;ética;cultura digital;redes