出版社:Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas
摘要:The imaginary and sinister concentration-camp chief Otto Friedrich Zur Linde was conceived by Jorge-Luis Borges as an example of misunderstanding philosophy and life, by seeing in them only the power of fight. This conception is compared with a dynamic understanding of philosophy. For Mr. Zur Linde Aristotle and Plato represent this confrontation, and each philosophical debate in history could be considered as a moment in it. But now, in the last fight, the will to power of man has gone beyond all the limits, even of morality. However some modern techniques of appropriation of ancient philosophy are completely opposed to this conception, namely Paul Ricoeur’s theory of fiction and Heidegger’s Sein und Schein,. Ultimately, the close relationship between poetry and philosophy since its origins speak against this thesis. A closer analysis of Nietzsche and Hölderlin will help to enlighten how wrong Zur Linde´s conception is..
关键词:Will to power;Nietzsche;Misunderstanding;Birth of philosophy in Ancient Greece;Fiction;As if;Hölderlin and the essence of poetry;Voluntad de poder;Nietzsche;Malentendido;Nacimiento de la filosofía en Grecia;Ficción;Para sí;Hölderlin y la esencia de la poesía