摘要:This paper having an overview of the history of ESL/EFL writing assessment, tries to explore in to the different waves of its development. Then, taking into account the direct and indirect methods of writing assessment, it elucidates the emergence period of ‘Portfolio Assessment’ following the requirements of the educational environment in adjusting the assessment methods with the real needs of ESL/EFL writers. Furthermore, Portfolio Assessment as the innovative process oriented approach to writing assessment is contrasted with the other product & process oriented tools in order to come up with the advantages of it over the other tools. Finally, there is a brief account of the merits of analytic assessment of ESL/EFL writing in the form of portfolios in comparison with the holistic approach to assessment that totally focuses on the requirements of the learners in ESL/EFL contexts to learn better and to be evaluated fairly and authentically.
关键词:writing instruction, direct method, portfolio assessment, analytic assessment, EFL/ESL writers.