摘要:The paper is aimed at investigating the influence of economic growth and standard of living on entrepreneurial activities in Nigeria . The study involves time series analysis using vector autoregression framework. The data used were collected from various relevant government agencies for the period 1980 to 2010. The result reflects the left hand of U shaped curve as found in other various studies in developing countries and supports the recession/push hypothesis. The study also revealed that as the standard of living improves in the country, necessity entrepreneurs decline their interest in entrepreneurship because they could have other options for wage employment opportunities. The proliferation of necessity entrepreneurs because of the dwindling economic position has insignificant effect on the country’s economic growth as well as standard of living. There is little or no attempt by the previous studies to examine the influence of country’s standard of living on entrepreneurship. This study is unique by going beyond the effect of economic growth as it cannot capture the status, economic power and wellbeing of the population.
关键词:Enterpreneurship;Economic growth;Standard of living;Developing countries