出版社:Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas
摘要:Within a context defined by globalized and flexible markets, by the increasing access to diverse forms of transport and communication, and by policies and fashions making mobility a value, people's reluctancy to move seems paradoxical. But, as various researches revised in this paper suggest, inmobility remains atractive in most European countries (specially in the South). Our research offers data confirming this hypothesis for the case of young people. Therefore, visions of globalization which project objective speed potentials to people's behaviour seem to be too deterministic and irreflective. Although transportation and telecommunication are generating many new and faster forms of mobility, a distinction is to be made between this speed potentials and their use. As far as use is preceded by motivation, a deeper exploration of subjective factors underlying this motivation is the aim of a sociology of mobility from the point of view of the actor.
关键词:Residential Mobility;Motility;Migrations;Sociology of Youth;Globalization;Movilidad geográfica;Motilidad;Migraciones;Sociología de la Juventud;Globalización